Correia, M. & Merten, J. (2000). Restoration of the Casas dos Romeiros Using Traditional Materials and Methods. In Terra 2000: 8th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architecture. London (UK): James & James, pp.226-230.
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Freitas, I. V. (2002). El agua en las ciudades portuguesas medievales. Universidad Valladolid. ISBN:84-8448-160-
Correia, M. (2002). A Habitação Vernácula Rural no Alentejo, Portugal. In Memórias del IV Seminário Iberoamericano sobre Vivienda Rural y Calidad de Vida en los Asentamientos Rurales (Cap.4 – Vivenda Rural, Etnia, Cultura y Género). Chile: CYTED-Habyted & Universidad del Chile.
Flores, J. (2002). A Intervenção na Cidade existente / The intervention in the existent city. In M. Cannatà, Fernandes (eds.) Formas Urbanas / Urban Shapes, Porto, Portugal: Asa, pp. 14-21.
Flores, J. (2002). The Historical City as the Sustainable Compact City Model. In Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of World Heritage Cities “Risk Preparedness and Emergency Response in the context of the management of the World Heritage Cities”, OCPM, Quebec, pp.231-250
Freitas, I.V. (2002). Os itinerários do açúcar em Portugal continental na Idade Média. In História do açúcar: rotas e mercados (237-245). Lisboa: Centro de Estudos de História do Atlântico.
Moreno, H. B.; & Freitas, I. V.; Barros, Maria da Luz Ferreira de (2003). Demarcações de fronteira: de Vila Velha de Rodão a Castelo Rodrigo. Universidade Portucalense: Centro de Investigação e de Documentação de História Medieval.
Moreno, H. B., & Freitas, I. V. (2003). Demarcações de Fronteira: Lugares de Trás-os-Montes e de Entre-Douro-e-Minho. Universidade Portucalense. ISBN:972-9354-41-3.
Moreno, H. B., & Freitas, I. V. (2003). Demarcações de Fronteira: De Castro Marim a Montalvão. Universidade Portucalense. ISBN:972-9354-39-1.
Florentino, R. (2003). Orientações de sustentabilidade para os Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial. In Lisboa. Instituto Nacional de Administração, pp.
Flores, J. (2003). City of memory, city of culture. In Proceedings of the 7th Symposiumof the Organization of the World Heritage Cities “Keeping Heritage Alive. Education and Training for the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage”, OCPM, Rhodes
Flores, J. (2003). Mobilidade Pedonal e Mobilidade Velocipédica. In Manual do Curso de Especialização de Gestão Ambiental Urbana, Lisboa, Portugal: URBE / CCDRN, pp. 61-77
Freitas, I. V. (2003). Caminhos que cruzam os portos secos no ínicio do século XVI. In L. A. Fonseca, L.C. Amaral, & M.F.F. Santos (coords.), Os reinos Ibéricos na Idade Média: livro de homenagem ao Professor Doutor Humberto Carlos Baquero Moreno (vol.1, pp. 493-499). Porto: Livraria Civilização Editora.
Correia, M. (2004). Estratégias na Conservação do Património em Terra. In Actas do III SIACOT, Seminário Ibero-Americano de Construção com Terra. Tucumán (Argentina): Universidad de Tucumán, pp.333-342.
Correia, M. (2004). Fortificações islâmicas em taipa militar. Revista Pedra e Cal, 24, pp. 16.
Correia, M., Fernandes, M., & Jorge, F. (eds.) (2005). Terra em Seminario: IV Seminário Ibero-americano de Construção com Terra & III Seminário Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal. Lisbon, Portugal: Argumentum & Escola Superior Gallaecia.
Fernandes, M., & Correia, M. (eds.) (2005). Arquitectura de terra em Portugal / Earth architecture in Portugal. Lisbon: Argumentum.
Correia, M. (2005). A Habitação Vernácula no Alto Minho, Portugal [Vernacular Habitat in Alto Minho region, Portugal]. In Piedras com Raíces – La revista de nuestra arquitectura vernácula. Nº-10/Verano 2005. Cáceres (Spain): Asociación por la Arquitectura Rural de Extremadura, pp.27-37.
Correia, M. (2005). Ensino Universitário: ESG/Escola Superior Gallaecia. In M. Fernandes, & M. Correia (eds.), Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal. Bilingual edition, Lisbon (Portugal): Argumentum, pp. 280-283.
Correia, M. (2005). Taipa na Arquitectura Tradicional. In M. Fernandes & M. Correia (eds.), Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal. Bilingual edition, Lisbon (Portugal): Argumentum, pp. 27-34.
Correia, M., & Merten, J. (2005). Formação Profissional: Escola-oficina de Alcácer do Sal. In M. Fernandes, & M. Correia (eds.), Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal. Bilingual edition, Lisbon (Portugal): Argumentum, pp. 269-271.
Jorge, F., Correia, M., & Fernandes, M. (2005). Chan-Chan. In M. Correia, M. Fernandes, & F. Jorge (eds.), Terra em Seminário: Actas do IV Seminário Ibero-Americano de Construção com Terra e III Seminário de Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal. Lisbon (Portugal): Argumentum & Escola Superior Gallaecia, pp.133-137.
Flores, J. (2005). Caso de Estudo: O Inventário do Património da Cidade do Porto. In URBE (ed.) Inventariação e Classificação Patrimonial: Conceitos e Métodos e Arqueologia Urbana, Colecção Fórum nº10, URBE, Lisboa, pp.29-43 ISBN 972-8731-08-6.
Florentino, R. (2005). Para una segunda generación de planes estratégicos de ciudades en Portugal. In Políticas Urbanas y Territoriales en la Península Ibérica . Mérida. Gabinete de Iniciativas Transfronterizas, Junta de Extremadura, pp.
Freitas, I. V. (2005). Porto et les ports secondaires de l’embouchure du Douro à la fin du Moyen Âge. In M. Bochaca, & J.-L. Sarrazin (Dirs.), Ports e littoraux de l’Europe atlantique: Transformations naturelles et aménagements humaines (XIV-XVI siècles), (pp. 141-146). Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
Correia, M., & Oliveira Jorge, V. (eds.) (2006). TERRA: Forma de Construir. Arquitectura – Antropologia – Arqueologia, 10ª Mesa Redonda de Primavera. Lisbon, Portugal: Argumentum & Escola Superior Gallaecia.
Achenza, M., Correia, M., Cadinu, M., & Serra Desfilis, A. (eds.) (2006). Houses and cities built with earth: conservation, significance and urban quality. Lisbon: Argumentum.
Freitas, I. V., & Baquero Moreno, H. (2006). A Corte de D. Afonso V: o tempo e os homens. ISBN:84-9704-231-X.
Correia, M. (2006). A Universalidade e Diversidade da Arquitectura de Terra. In M. Correia, & V. Oliveira Jorge (eds.), TERRA: Forma de Construir. Arquitectura – Antropologia – Arqueologia, 10ª Mesa Redonda de Primavera. FLUP – Universidade do Porto. Lisbon (Portugal): Argumentum & Escola Superior Gallaecia, pp.12-19.
Correia, M. (2006). Earthen Construction Techniques in the Portuguese Heritage. In Bollini, G. (Ed.), Costruire in terra cruda oggi. Monfalcone (Gorizia): Edicom Edizioni.
Correia, M., & Achenza, M. (2006). Traditional Earth Architecture in Rural Environment: The case study of Figuig Oasis, Morocco. In M. Achenza, M. Correia, M. Cadinu, & A. Serra (eds.), Houses and Cities Built with Earth – conservation, significance and urban quality. European Union Cultura 2000 Program. Lisbon (Portugal): Argumentum, pp.124-127.
Correia, M., Merten, J., & Sousa, G. (2006). Research on Earth Architecture at ESG/ Escola Superior Gallaecia. In M. Achenza, M. Correia, M. Cadinu, & A. Serra (eds.), Houses and Cities Built with Earth – conservation, significance and urban quality. European Union Cultura 2000 Program. Lisbon (Portugal): Argumentum, pp. 36-37.
Correia, M., & Fernandes, M. (2006). The Conservation of Earth Architecture: The Contribution of Brandi’s Theory. In Theory and Practice in Conservation – a Tribute to Cesare Brandi. Lisbon (Portugal): LNEC, pp.233-241.
Freitas, I. V. (2006). Mercadores que cruzam fronteiras. In Departamento de Ciências e Técnicas do Património.(Org.), Estudos em homenagem ao Professor Doutor José Marques, (vol. 2, pp. 291-300). Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.
Flores, J. (2006). Sustentabilidade na reabilitação de edifícios tradicionais. In LNEC (ed.) Encontro Nacional sobre Qualidade e Inovação na Construção – QIC2006, Vol.2, LNEC, Lisboa, pp.897-902. ISBN 978-972-49-2086-3.
Sousa, G. (2006). Medina de Marrakesh: algumas reflexões sobre o desaparecimento da construção em terra crua. In M. Achenza, M. Correia, M. Cadinu & A. Serra (Eds.), Houses and Cities Built with Earth – conservation, significance and urban quality. European Union Cultura 2000 Program. Lisbon (Portugal): Argumentum, pp. 134-136.
Viana, D.L., Brandão Alves, F. (2006). Maputo: From the colonial paradigm to the “peripheralizaton” of the contemporary public space. Urbanistica PVS: International Journal of Human Settlements Culture and Planning in Developing Countries, (42/43), pp. 3-10.
Viana, D.L., Brandão Alves, F. (2006). Maputo: From colonial paradigm to the peripheralizaton of the contemporary public space. Planum: The Journal of Urbanism, (42), pp. 1-7.
Correia, M. (2007). Taipa no Alentejo / Rammed earth in Alentejo. Lisbon. Argumentum. ISBN:9789728479503.
Neves, C., Varum, H., Fernandes, M., & Correia, M. (eds.) (2007). Terra em seminário 2007: V Seminário Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal; & Terra Brasil: I Seminário Arquitetura e Construção com Terra no Brasil. Lisbon: Argumentum.
Correia, M. (2007). Investigação e Difusão Científica de Arquitectura de Terra na ESG/Escola Superior Gallaecia. In C. Neves, H. Varum, M. Fernandes, & M. Correia (Eds.), Terra em Seminário 2007: V Seminário Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal. Lisbon (Portugal): Argumentum, pp.273-276.
Martins, A. M. T., & Correia, M. (2007). Arquitectura Militar em Terra no Norte de Portugal. In C. Neves, H. Varum, M. Fernandes, & M. Correia (Eds.), Terra em Seminário 2007: V Seminário Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal (pp.36-39). Lisbon (Portugal): Argumentum.
Correia, M. (2007). Teoría de la conservación y su aplicación al patrimonio en tierra [Conservation theory and its application to earthen heritage]. Apuntes: Revista de estudios sobre patrimonio cultural – Journal of Cultural Heritage Studies, Vol. 20 Nº2, July – December 2007, Bogota (Colombia): Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, pp. 202-219.
Casanovas, X. (Dir.); Roselló, O., Alcindor, M., Abela, F., & Fraguas, M. (2008). Experiencias de rehabilitación mediterráneas. Barcelona: Col·legi d’Aparelladors i Arquitectes Tècnics de Barcelona pour le Consorcium RehabiMed Bon Pastor.
Guillaud, H., Correia, M., Vegas, F., Mecca, S., & Grazz, Ch. (eds.) (2008). Terra Incognita. Preserving European Earthen Architecture. Nº1. Brussels: Culture Lab Editions & Argumentum.
Guillaud, H., Correia, M., Vegas, F., Mecca, S., & Grazz, Ch. (eds.) (2008). Terra Incognita. Discovering European Earthen Architecture. Nº2. Brussels: Culture Lab Editions & Argumentum.
Villasante, J.A., Nicolás Sánchez, J.L., & Correia, M. (eds.) (2008). CADIVAFOR-Catalogação, Digitalização e Valorização das Fortalezas Defensivas da Fronteira Galiza-Norte de Portugal. Ferrol: CIEFAL-ICOMOS, CIS Galicia & Escola Superior Gallaecia.
Correia, M. (2008). Earthen Floors and Constructions. In Guillaud, H. & al. (Eds.), Terra Incognita – Discovering European Earthen Architecture, Nº2. French and English editions. Brussels: Culture Lab Editions and Argumentum, pp. 56-57.
Correia, M. (2008). Materials, Systems and Constructive Cultures. In Guillaud, H. et al. (eds.), Terra Incognita – Discovering European Earthen Architecture, Nº1. French and English editions. Brussels: Culture Lab Editions and Argumentum, pp. 34-53.
Correia, M. (2008). The 4 Techniques and the Building Materials. In Guillaud, H. & al. (eds.), Terra Incognita – Preserving European Earthen Architecture, Nº2. French and English editions. Brussels: Culture Lab Editions and Argumentum, pp. 21-32.
Penido de Rezende, M.A., Rodrigues F., R., Teobaldo, I., Hoffmann, M.V., & Correia, M. (2008). Taipa de Pilão Histórica: Roteiro para Reconstituição. In ENTAC 2008 – Encontro Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído. Fortaleza (Brasil): ANTAC – Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído.
Florentino, R. (2008). Parámetros de gobernabilidad territorial metropolitana. Cadernos Metrópole, (20), pp. 93-106.
Achenza, M., Correia, M., & Guillaud, H. (eds.) (2009). MEDITERRA 2009: 1st Mediterranean Conference on Earthen Architecture. Monfalcone, Gorizia: Edicom Edizioni.
Moreno, H. B., & Freitas, I. V. (2009). A Corte de Afonso V: O tempo e os Homens. TREA.
Freitas, I. V. (2009). Mercadores entre Portugal e Castela na Idade Média. TREA. ISBN:84-9704-194-1.
Correia, M. (2009). Military topographies: earth fortresses between borders. In Mediterra 2009. Montefalcone. Edicom Edizioni, pp. 425-436.
Correia, M. (2009). Sustentabilidade: Conceito e Desenvolvimento / Sustainability: Concept and Development’. In Energias Renováveis / Renewable Energies. Porto (Portugal): Atelier Pã, pp.68-76.
Florentino, R. (2009). Planeamento Urbano e Desenho Urbano. In Métodos e Técnicas para o Desenvolvimento Urbano Sustentável. Lisboa: Parque Expo, pp.
Freitas, I. V. (2009). A espada de Santiago, o velo de ouro e a jarreteira. In M. I. Val Valdivieso, & P. Martínez Sopena (dir.), Castilla y el mundo feudal: homenaje al profesor Julio Valdeón (pp. 409-422). Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y León.
Freitas, I. V. (2009). Bragança na Idade Média: muito mais que uma terra da raia. In A. Fernandes (ed.), Bragança marca a história, a história marca Bragança. Bragança: Câmara Municipal.
Viana, D.L. (2009). Historical centre of Oporto: Mapping (the) essences. In RegenLab: New Cartographies of the Creative Cities. Porto. Ideias Emergentes (IMERGE), pp. 33-38.
Ribeiro, T., Dionísio, A., & Aires-Barros, L. (2009). Aerosol-paint graffiti: the effects on calcareous stone. Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, 15(1), 51-66. https//
Viana, D.L. (2009). Maputo: transformación de una estructura urbana de origen portugués. Una contribución para la recalificación del espacio urbano. Ciudad(es). La Naturaleza en la Ciudad: Lugares y Procesos, (12), pp. 233-241.
Fernandes, M., Correia, M., & Lopes, M. (eds.) (2010). Terra em Seminário 2010: 6º Seminário Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal e 9º Seminário IberoAmericano de Arquitectura e Construção com Terra. Lisbon: Argumentum.
Achenza, M., Cancino, C., Correia, M., Ferron, A., & Guillaud, H. R. (2010). Experts Workshop on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architecture in the Mediterranean Region. In Guillaud, H. TerraEducation 2010. Grenoble: CRAterre – ENSAG, pp.148-157.
Correia, M. (2010). Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal: Abordagem às Técnicas Construtivas. In As idades da construção. Técnicas e saberes da construção tradicional e sua aplicação à arquitectura contemporânea. Colecção Catálogos FIA. Lisbon. IEFP (Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional), pp. 61-71.
Correia, M. (2010). A Synopsis Review of Earthen Archaeological Heritage. In Terra em Seminário 2010: 6º Seminário Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal: 9º Seminário Ibero-Americano de Arquitectura e Construção com Terra. Lisbon. Argumentum, pp. 29-33.
Correia, M. (2010). Entrevista sobre a Arquitectura de Terra na Actualidade. In Revista de Arte & Construção. Edição nº233, Março 2010 (pp. 46-48). Lisboa: Editora MTG.
Correia, M. (2010). Sustentabilidade – conceito operacional e desenvolvimento. In Revista de Arte & Construção. Suplemento Energias Renováveis 2010. Edição nº 234, Abril 2010 (pp.18-21). Lisboa: Editora MTG.
Correia, M. (2010). Uma Reflexão Sobre o Conceito de sustentabilidade e de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, no Contexto da Arquitectura de Terra. In 10º SIACOT, 10º Seminario Iberoamericano de Arquitectura e Construcción con Tierra. 8-14 Novembro 2010, Salto Uruguay (pp.175-179). Montevideo: Universidad de la República.
Correia, M., Carlos, G., Merten, J. & Correia, R. (2010). Research and Education at Escola Superior Gallaecia. In Guillaud, H. TerraEducation 2010 (pp.167-175). Grenoble: CRAterre – ENSAG.
Florentino, R. (2010). A governabilidade metropolitana de Lisboa e o sistema de ordenamento territorial. In F. Gonçalves, Z. G. Pinheiro & J. F. Bento (eds.). Os Dez Anos da Lei de Bases da Política de Ordenamento do Território e de Urbanismo. Génese e Evolução do sistema de Gestão Territorial 1998-2008. Lisboa. DGOTDU, pp. 199-208.
Florentino, R. (2010). Urbanismo e Transportes. In Manual de Boas Práticas para uma Mobilidade Sustentável. Lisboa: Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, pp.
Freitas, I. V. (2010). Diário de mercadores. In J. C. Martín Cea (ed.), Convivir en la Edad Media, (pp. 158-180). Editorial Dossoles.
De Nicolás Sánchez, J.A., Correia, M., & Villasante, J. A. (2010). Catalogación, Digitalización y Valorización de las fortalezas defensivas de la frontera Galicia – norte de Portugal. Virtual Archaeology Review, 1 (2), pp. 149.
Correia, M., Dipasquale, L., & Mecca, S. (eds.) (2011). Atlas of Earthen Architecture in the European Union. Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
Correia, M., Dipasquale, L., Mecca, S.(eds.) (2011). Terra Europae : earthen architecture in the European Union. Pisa: Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
Freitas, I. V. (2011). Isabel de Coimbra: insigne rainha 1432 – 1455. QuidNovi: Vila do Conde. (Rainhas e infantas de Portugal).
Freitas, I. V. (2011). D. Joana: a excelente senhora: 1462-1530. QuidNovi. ISBN:978-989-554-795-1.
Chabenat, M., Correia, M., Castro, A., Vegas, F., & Morot-Sir, P. (2011). In Correia, M., Dipasquale, L. & Mecca, S. (eds.). TERRA EUROPAE: Earthen Architecture in the European Union. Pisa (Italy): Edizioni ETS, p.15-17.
Correia, M., Chabenat, M., Cristini, V., Dipasquale, L., Guérin, R., Merten, J., Mecca, S., Mileto, C., Morot-Sir, P. & Vegas, F. (2011). ‘Conclusions’. In Correia, M., Dipasquale, L., & Mecca, S. (Eds.). TERRA EUROPAE: Earthen Architecture in the European Union. Pisa (Italy): Edizioni ETS, pp.205-206.
Correia, M., Merten, J., & Carlos, G. (2011). Earthen architecture in West Central Europe: Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. In Correia, M., Dipasquale, L. & Mecca, S. (eds.). TERRA EUROPAE: Earthen Architecture in the European Union. Pisa (Italy): Edizioni ETS, pp.55-59.
Correia, M., Merten, J., Vegas, F., Mileto, C., & Cristini, V. (2011). Earthen architecture in Southwestern Europe: Portugal, Spain and Southern France. In Correia, M., Dipasquale, L. & Mecca, S. (eds.). TERRA EUROPAE: Earthen Architecture in the European Union. Pisa (Italy): Edizioni ETS, pp.71-75.
Correia, M., & Neves, C. (2011). Knowledge transfer and networking on earth architecture. In L. Rainer, A. Bass Rivera, & D. Gandreau (eds). Terra 2008 Proceedings: 10th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage, 1-5 February 2008, Bamako, Mali (pp. 372-377). Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute.
Correia, M., & Thönnes, M. (2011). Earthen architecture in Luxembourg. In Correia, M., Dipasquale, L. & Mecca, S. (Eds.). TERRA EUROPAE: Earthen Architecture in the European Union. Pisa (Italy): Edizioni ETS, pp.149-151.
Correia, M., & Merten, J. (2011). ‘Earthen architecture in Portugal’. In Correia, M., Dipasquale, L. & Mecca, S. (Eds.). TERRA EUROPAE: Earthen Architecture in the European Union. Pisa (Italy): Edizioni ETS, pp.165-167.
Kanan, M. I., Correia, M., & Hurd, J. (2011). The Conservation of Earthen Architectural Landscapes: A Preliminary Reflection and Review of Concepts. In Terra 2008 Proceedings: 10th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage, 1-5 February 2008, Bamako, Mali (p. 74). Los Angeles. Getty Conservation Institute.
Morot-Sir, P., Guérin, R., & Correia, M. (2011). Earthen architecture in the Northern Europe: Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In Correia, M., Dipasquale, L. & Mecca, S. (eds.). TERRA EUROPAE: Earthen Architecture in the European Union. Pisa (Italy): Edizioni ETS, pp.43-48.
Pereira da Silva, N., & Correia, M. (2011). Restructuring the Architecture Degree to Bologna (Reestructuración del Grado de Arquitectura en el Ámbito de la Adecuación a Bolonia). In Innovative composition – Innovation and educational improvement in the area of Architecture (Composición Innova – Innovación y Mejora Educativa en el Área de Composición Arquitectónica), edited by Camila Mileto, 110-116. International meeting in Valencia – May 13, 2011. Valencia, Spain: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (2012) (ISBN: 978-84-694-7304-7).
Simão, E. & Magalhaes S. (2011) A Comunicação Multimédia no Neo-ritualismo das Festas Transe. RuMoRes, 5(10), 122.143.
Alcindor, M., & Roselló, O. (2012). Cob, a handy technique for a new self-builder. In C. Mileto, F. Vegas, & V. Cristini (Eds.). Rammed Earth Conservation, pp.439-444.
Correia, M. (2012). Which course of action for earthen architectural heritage preservation? In C. Mileto, F. Vegas, V. Cristini (eds). Rammed Earth Conservation. London. CRC Press, pp. 9-15.
Correia, M., Merten, J., Carlos, G., Correia, R., & da Silva, N. P. (2012). Earthen Architecture Research and Education within the University Institution Escola Superior Gallaecia [Forschung und Ausbildung im Lehmbau an der Hochschule Escola Superior Gallaecia]. In LEHM 2012 – 6th International Conference on Building with Earth, 5th – 7th October 2012. (p.164-175). Weimar: Dachverband Lehm e V.
Freitas, I. V. (2012). A água no livro das fortalezas de Duarte D’Armas. In M. Martins, I.V. Freitas, & M. I. Val Valdivieso (eds.), Caminhos da água: paisagens e usos na longa duração. Braga: CITCEM.
Roselló, O., & Alcindor, M. (2012). La cal, una visión biocultural. In II Jornadas FICAL, Barcelona, Abril 2011, (pp.64-78).
Viana, D. L., & Carvalho, I.C. (2012). A decisão em Arquitectura e Urbanismo: Entre o desenho, o projecto e a obra. In Decisão: Percursos e Contextos. Porto. Jsamed Editions, pp. 165-169.
Viana, D.L. (2012). Clashing Architecture: Absence 2 reflection. In Clashing Architecture Workshop Publication. Delft. Technology University of Delft, pp. 49-49.
Viana, D.L. (2011). Maputo: Between density, fragmentation and formless’. In Bringing City Form Back into Planning. CITTA 3rd Annual Conference on Planning Research. Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, pp. 535-553.
Alcindor, M., & Roselló, O. (2012). Antropología en el patrimonio construido: Una visión integradora necesaria en el Baix Empordà (España). Revista Internacional de Tecnología, Conocimiento y Sociedad, 1(2),1-16.
Correia, M. (2012). Rammed Earth Conservation. Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauracion, pp.142
Guerrero Baca, L.F., Correia, M., & Guillaud, H. (2012). Conservación del patrimonio arqueológico construido con tierra en Iberoamérica. [Conservation of the Iberian-American archaeological heritage built in Earth]. Revista de Estudios sobre Patrimonio Cultural – Journal of Cultural Heritage Studies, 25 (2), pp. 210-225.
Correia, M., Carlos, G.D., & Rocha, S. (eds.) (2013). Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture. London: CRC Press.
Alcindor, M., & Roselló, O. (2013). Harmonic Diachrony: Current use of traditional techniques in rehabilitation projects. In M. Correia, G. Carlos, & S. Rocha (Eds.), Vernacular heritage and earthen architecture: contributions for sustainable development, CRC Press, pp.257-262.
Alves, D., Pacheco, L.P., Vicente, J., & Sousa, G. (2013). Vernacular living as a model for innovation and sustainability: The wood furniture of Minho region. In M. Correia, G. Carlos, & S. Rocha (Eds.), Vernacular heritage and earthen architecture: contributions for sustainable development, CRC Press, pp. 843-848.
Carlos, G. D., Correia, M., Merten, J., Viana, D., & Rocha, S. (2013). VerSus: Vernacular heritage contribution to sustainable architecture. In M. Correia, G.D. Carlos, & S. Rocha (eds). Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture Contributions for Sustainable Development. London. CRC Press, pp. 833-838.
Carlos, G., Correia, M., Rocha, S., Lourenço, P., Vasconcelos, G., & Varum, H. (2013). SEISMIC-V: Vernacular seismic culture in Portugal. In M. Correia, G.D. Carlos, & S. Rocha (Eds). Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture. Contributions for Sustainable Development. CRC Press/ Press / A. Balkema – Taylor & Francis group, pp. 663-668.
Correia, M. (2013). Knowledge transfer and outreach by PROTERRA, the Iberian-American Network on Earthen Architecture and Construction. In Earthen architecture in today’s world: proceedings of the UNESCO International Colloquium on the Conservation of World Heritage Earthen Architecture. World Heritage papers, nº36 (p.240-247) Paris: UNESCO.
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Lima, A. (2013). Appropriate moderness and the popular pattern of the “Indiana” architecture. In M. Correia, G.D. Carlos, & S. Rocha (eds). Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture: Contributions for Sustainable Development, London (UK): CRC Press, pp. 245-249.
Simão, E. (2013) Da Rave ao Neo-ritual Multimédia. In Atas do VIII Congresso SOPCOM, Comunicação Global, Cultura e Tecnologia, Lisboa, Portugal, 17-19 Outubro, pp. 425-430. ISBN 978-989-20-3877-3 Book of abstracts, pp.425.
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Sousa, G., Correia, R. (2013). Brandas and Inverneiras of Castro Laboreiro, Portugal-a settlement model in a high mountain territory. In M. Correia, G. Carlos, & S. Rocha (Eds.). Vernacular heritage and earthen architecture: contributions for sustainable development, CRC Press, pp. 471-476.
Viana, D. L., de las Rivas Sanz, J. L., & Sousa, A. N. (2013). Apreendendo com a Morfologia Urbana de Maputo [In] Formal Learning From Maputo'[In] Formal Urban Morphology. Revista de Morfologia Urbana| Journal of Urban Morphology-ISSN, 2182, 7214.
Correia, M., Neves, C., & Nuñez, R.D. (eds.) (2014). Arquitectura de Tierra: Patrimonio y sustentabilidad en regiones sísmicas. 14º SIACOT – Seminario Iberoamericano de Arquitectura y Construcción. San Salvador: FUNDASAL/ PROTERRA.
Flores, J., & Marcolin, P. (2014). 20th Century New Towns. Archetypes and Uncertainties. Conference Proceedings. Porto, Portugal: CESAP / ESAP / CEAA / DArq.
Carlos, G. (2014). Compact houses. In M. Correia, L. Dipasquale, & S. Mecca (eds). Versus: Heritage for Tomorrow. Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture. Florença: Firenze University Press, pp. 164-175.
Carlos, G. D., Correia, M., Dipasquale, L., Guillaud, H., Mecca, S., Mileto, C., Vegas, F., et al. (2014). Research method and operative approach. In M. Correia, L. Dipasquale, & S. Mecca (eds). VERSUS: Heritage for Tomorrow. Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture. Firenze: Firenze University Press, pp. 22-31.
Carlos, G. D., Correia, M., Leite Viana, D., & Gomes, F. (2014). Local seismic culture and earthquake-resistant devices: Case study of Casa Baraccata. In C. Mileto, F. Vegas, L. García, & V. Cristini (eds.). Vernacular Architecture: Towards a Sustainable Future. London: CRC Press, pp. 275-280.
Carlos, G. D., Correia, M., Viana, D., & Merten, J. (2014). Settlements morphology. In M. Correia, L. Dipasquale, & S. Mecca (eds). VERSUS: Heritage for Tomorrow. Vernacular knowledge for sustainable architecture. Florence: FUP Firenze University Press, pp. 90-99.
Carlos, G. D., Correia, M., Viana, D., & Merten J. (2014). Compact Houses. In M. Correia, L. Dipasquale, & S. Mecca (eds). VERSUS: Heritage for Tomorrow. Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture. Florence (Italy): FUP Firenze University Press, pp. 90-95. DOI: 10.36253/978-88-6655-742-5.
Correia, M. (2014). Assessment criteria for earthen archaeological sites [Critères d’évaluation des sites archéologiques en terre]. In D. Gandreau, & Ch. Sadozai (eds). Earthen Architecture conservation in archaeological sites. New practices and perspectives. Proceedings of the International Scientific Workshop 26-28 Mai 2014, held at ENSAG, within the framework of the UNESCO Chair ‘Earthen Architecture’ (p.54-58). Grenoble: CRAterre-ENSAG.
Correia, M. (2014). Restauración de la Tapia en la Península Ibérica: Portugal / Rammed Earth restoration in Iberia Peninsula: Portugal. In C. Milleto & F. Vegas (eds). La Restauración de la Tapia en la Península Ibérica. Criterios, Técnicas, Resultados y Perspectivas. Valencia: Argumentum & TC cuadernos, pp. 166-175.
Correia, M. (2014). Teoría de la conservación y su aplicación al patrimonio en tierra. In L. Guerrero (ed.). Reutilización del patrimonio edificado en adobe. Series: Antologías. México, D.F.: Casa Abierta al Tiempo, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.
Correia, M. (2014). The Idea for VerSus project. In M. Correia, L. Dipasquale, & S. Mecca (eds). VERSUS: Heritage for Tomorrow. Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture. Florence (Italy): FUP Firenze University Press, pp. 14-15. DOI: 10.36253/978-88-6655-742-5
Correia, M., Carlos, G. D., Mecca, S., Dipasquale, L., Guillaud, H., Vegas, F., Mileto, C., Achenza, M. & Castro, A. (2014). Lessons learned and VerSus outcomes. In M. Correia, L. Dipasquale, & S. Mecca (eds). VERSUS: Heritage for Tomorrow. Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture. Florence (Italy): FUP Firenze University Press, pp. 16-19. DOI: 10.36253/978-88-6655-742-5
Correia, M., Carlos, G. D., Guillaud, H., Mecca, S., Achenza, M., López-Manzanares, F.V., & Mileto, C. (2014). VerSus project: Lessons from vernacular heritage for sustainable architecture. In C. Mileto, F. Vegas, L. García & V. Cristini (eds). Vernacular Architecture: Towards a Sustainable Future. London: CRC Press/ A. Balkema – Taylor & Francis group, pp. 231-231.
Correia, M., Carlos, G.D., Viana, D., & Gomes, F. (2014). Traditional housing in Calabria: Past and present. In C. Mileto, F. Vegas, L. García & V. Cristini (eds). Vernacular Architecture: Towards a Sustainable Future. London: CRC Press, pp. 225-230.
Correia, M., Carlos, G., Rocha, S., Lourenço, P. B., Vasconcelos, G., & Varum, H. (2014). Vernacular seismic culture in Portugal. In C. Mileto, F. Vegas, L. García & V. Cristini (eds). Vernacular Architecture: Towards a Sustainable Future. London. CRC Press/ A. Balkema – Taylor & Francis group, pp. 663-668.
Correia, M., Carlos, G., Rocha, S.; Lourenço, P. B.; Vasconcelos, G.; Varum, H. (2014). Seismic-V: Vernacular seismic culture in Portugal. Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture: Contributions for Sustainable Development.
Correia, M., Félix, L., Vasconcelos, G., & Feio, A. (2014). Preservation of vernacular housing: Importance and valorization. In REHAB 2014, International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures, 19th – 21h March 2014. Green Lines Institute, pp. 72.
Correia, M., Juvanec, B., Mileto, C., Vegas, F., Gomes, F., Alcindor, M., & Lima, A. (2014). Socio-Economic Sustainability in Vernacular Architecture. In M. Correia, L. Dipasquale, & S. Mecca (eds). VERSUS: Heritage for Tomorrow. Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture. Florence (Italy): FUP Firenze University Press, pp. 56-63. DOI: 10.36253/978-88-6655-742-5
Correia, M., Mecca, S., Dipasquale, L., Guillaud, H., Mileto, C., Vegas, F., Achenza, M., Castro, A., & Carlos, G. D. (2014). Toward future projects. In M. Correia, L. Dipasquale, & S. Mecca (eds). VERSUS: Heritage for Tomorrow. Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture. Florence (Italy): FUP Firenze University Press, pp. 270-271. DOI: 10.36253/978-88-6655-742-5.
Correia, M., Viana, D., & Carlos, G. (2014). Campaign Fortresses in the North of Portugal – South of Galiza border [‘Fortificações de Campanha na Fronteira Norte de Portugal-Sul da Galiza’] at 1st Meeting on the Luso-Spanish International Border and its Fortresses [I Jornadas Internacionais sobre a Fronteira Hispano-Lusa e as suas Fortificações] Badajoz: Ayuntamiento de Badajoz, pp. 263-269.
Correia, M., & Walliman, N. (2014). Evaluation of planning systems in earthen heritage conservation. In M. Correia, G.D. Carlos, & S. Rocha (eds). Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture: Contributions for Sustainable Development, London (UK): CRC Press / A. Balkema – Taylor & Francis group, pp. 159-164.
Costa Carrapiço, I., Gomes, F., Correia, M., & Rocha, S. (2014). Walls of high thermal inertia. In M. Correia, L. Dipasquale, & S. Mecca (eds). VERSUS: Heritage for Tomorrow. Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture. Florence (Italy): FUP Firenze University Press, pp. 212-217. DOI: 10.36253/978-88-6655-742-5.
Gomes, F., Carlos, G., & Lima, A. (2014). Vernacular Case Study – Pallozas. In M. Correia, L. Dipasquale, & S. Mecca (eds). VerSus, Heritage For Tomorrow – Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture. Firenze University Press , pp. 172-172.
Gomes, F., Correia, M., Carlos, G.D., & Viana, D. (2014). Local Seismic Culture in Portugal: Melides dwellings, a reactive approach case study. In C. Mileto, F. Vegas, L. García, & V. Cristini (eds.). Vernacular Architecture: Towards a Sustainable Future. London (UK): CRC Press / A. Balkema – Taylor & Francis group, pp. 359-362.
Gomes, F., Lima, A. (2014). Contemporary Case Study- Casa da Oliveira. In M. Correia, L. Dipasquale, & S. Mecca (eds). VERSUS: Heritage for Tomorrow. Firenze University Press, pp. 174-174.
Gomes, F., Rocha, S., & Correia, M. (2014). V1 | Granaries and threshing-floors: Soajo and Lindoso, Minho region, Portugal. In M. Correia, L. Dipasquale, & S. Mecca (eds). VERSUS: Heritage for Tomorrow. Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture. Florence (Italy): FUP Firenze University Press, pp. 135. DOI: 10.36253/978-88-6655-742-5.
Marcolin, P. and Flores, J. (2014). 20th Century New Towns. From Archetypes to Uncertainties. In P. Marcolin, & J. Flores (eds.). 20th Century New Towns. Archetypes and Uncertainties. Conference Proceedings. Porto: DArq, CEAA, ESAP, pp.214-229.
Ortega Heras, J., Vasconcelos, G., Correia, M. (2014). An overview of seismic strengthening techniques traditionally applied in vernacular architecture. In 9thIMS – 9th International Masonry Conference. 7th – 9th July 2014. Guimarães: University of Minho and IMS-International Masonry Society.
Correia, M., & Walliman, N.S.R. (2014). Defining Criteria for Intervention in Earthen-Built Heritage Conservation. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 8 (4), pp. 581-601.
Viana, D.L., Lage, J. (2014). A forma urbana em Moçambique: Projecto, intervenção e investigação (Viewpoint). Revista de Morfologia Urbana, 2 (2), pp. 101-104.
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Correia, M., & Carlos, G. (eds.) (2015). Cultura sísmica local em Portugal/ Local seismic culture in Portugal. Lisbon: Argumentum. ISBN:978-972-8479-88-6.
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Correia, M., Lourenço, P. B., & Varum, H. (eds.) (2015). Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture. CRC Press.
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Carlos, G. D., Correia, M., Sousa, G., Lima, A., Gomes, F., Félix, L., & Feio, A. (2015). Seismic vulnerability of the Algarve coastal region. In M. Correia, P. B. Lourenço & H. Varum (eds.). Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture. London (UK): CRC Press / Balkema / Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 191-196.
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Carlos, G.D., Correia, M., Sousa, G., Lima, A., Gomes, F., & Lopes dos Santos, V. (2015). Lisbon: Downtown’s reconstruction after the 1755 earthquake. In M. Correia, P. B. Lourenço & H. Varum (eds.). Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture. London (UK): CRC Press / Balkema / Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 169-172.
Carlos, G.D., Correia, M., Sousa, G., Lima, A., & Gomes, F. (2015). Seismic-resistant elements in the Historical Centre of Évora. In M. Correia, P. B. Lourenço & H. Varum (eds.). Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture. London (UK): CRC Press / Balkema / Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 181-184.
Carlos, G. D., Viana, D. L., Zanini, L., & Cadinu, M. (2015). Collective and shared spaces. In M. Correia, L. Dipasquale, & S. Mecca (eds). VerSus: Heritage for Tomorrow? Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture. Firenze. Firenze University Press, pp. 114-128.
Carlos, G.D., Viana, D.L., & Gomes, F. (2015). Vernacular morphology as a preventive solution of local seismic culture. In C. Mileto, F. Vegas, L. García & V. Cristini (eds). Vernacular Architecture: Towards a Sustainable Future, London (UK): CRC Press / A. Balkema – Taylor & Francis group, pp. 267-272.
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Correia, M. (2015). Criteria and methodology for intervention in vernacular architecture and earthen heritage. In M. Correia, P. B. Lourenço & H. Varum (eds.). Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture. London (UK): CRC Press / Balkema / Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 29-36.
Correia, M., Carlos, G. D., Gomes, F., Merten, J., & Rocha e Silva, S. (2015). VerSus: Contributo do Património Vernáculo para a Arquitetura Sustentável. In: Seminário reVer: Contributos da arquitetura vernácula portuguesa para a sustentabilidade do ambiente construído, Universidade do Minho, pp. 89-98.
Correia, M., Varum, H., & Lourenço, P.B. (2015). Common damages and recommendations for the seismic retrofitting of vernacular dwellings. In M. Correia, P. B. Lourenço & H. Varum (eds.). Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture. London (UK): CRC Press / Balkema / Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 241-244.
Correia, M., Worth, M., & Vilanova, S. (2015). A brief paleoseismology literature review: Contribution for the local seismic culture study in Portugal. In M. Correia, P. B. Lourenço & H. Varum (eds.). Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture. London (UK): CRC Press / Balkema / Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 137-142.
Correia, M., & Carlos, G.D. (2015). Recognising local seismic culture in Portugal, the SEISMIC-V research. In M. Correia, P. B. Lourenço & H. Varum (eds.). Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture. London (UK): CRC Press / Balkema / Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 123-129.
Correia, M., Carlos, G. D., Viana, D., & Gomes, F. (2015). Vernacular seismic culture in Portugal: On-going research. In C. Mileto, F. Vegas, L. García & V. Cristini (eds). Vernacular Architecture: Towards a Sustainable Future, London (UK): CRC Press / A. Balkema – Taylor & Francis group, pp. 217-223.
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Gomes, F., Lima, A., Carlos, G.D., & Correia, M. (2015). The 1909 earthquake impact in the Tagus Lezíria region. In M. Correia, P. B. Lourenço & H. Varum (eds.). Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture. London (UK): CRC Press / Balkema / Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 173-176.
Gomes, F., Lima, A., Carlos, G., & Correia, M. (2015). Costal Alentejo region: Identification of seismic-resistant features in vernacular architecture. In M. Correia, P. B. Lourenço & H. Varum (eds.). Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture. London (UK): CRC Press / Balkema / Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 205-209.
Gomes, F., Lima, A., Carlos, G., & Correia, M. (2015). Costal Alentejo region: Identification of local seismic culture. In M. Correia, P. B. Lourenço & H. Varum (eds.). Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture. London (UK): CRC Press / Balkema / Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 117-180.
Gomes, F., Correia, M., Carlos, G.D., & Lima, A. (2015). The high and intense seismic activity in the Azores. In M. Correia, P. B. Lourenço & H. Varum (eds.). Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture. London (UK): CRC Press / Balkema / Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 197-199.
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Ortega Heras, J., Vasconcelos, G., & Correia, M. (2015). Seismic-resistant building practices resulting from local seismic culture. In M. Correia, P. B. Lourenço & H. Varum (eds.). Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture. London (UK): CRC Press / Balkema / Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 17-22.
Ortega, J., Vasconcelos, G., Correia, M., Rodrigues, H., Lourenço, P., & Varum, H. (2015). Evaluation of Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Parameters for Portuguese Vernacular Constructions with non-Linear Numerical Analysis. In M. Papadrakakis, V. Papadopoulos, V. Plevris (eds.). COMPDYN 2015, 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, pp.2191-2205.
Sadeghi, N., Oliveira, D.V., Correia, M., Bondarabadi, H., & Orduña, A. (2015). Seismic Assessment of Adobe Vaulted Architecture in Iran. 7th International Conference on Seismology & Earthquake Engineering. 18-21 May 2015. Tehran: International Institute of Earhquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES).
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Correia, M. (2016). Vernacular Rural Architecture in Alto Minho, Portugal. In M. Dabaieh & V. Prieto (Eds.), Vernacular architecture reflections: challenges and future. Lund: Lund University.
Correia, M., Carlos, G., Morot-Sir, P., Chabenat, M., Vegas, F., Mileto, C., Mecca, S., Dipasquale, L., & René, G. (2016). TERRA EUROPAE – Earthen architecture in Europe: A project for earthen-architecture awareness. In M. Correia, P. Jerome, M. Blondet, & M. Achenza (Eds.), TERRA 2012 | 12th SIACOT PROCEEDINGS. World Congress organized in Lima, Peru. Lisbon (Portugal): Argumentum, pp. 294-297.
Flores, J. (2016). The investigation of energy efficiency in Oporto World Heritage Site traditional buildings. In M. Bouw, S. Dubois, L. Dekeyser, & Y. Vanhellemont (Eds.), EECHB – Energy Efficiency and Comfort of Historic Buildings. Second International Conference Proceedings. Bruxelas: Flanders Heritage Agency, pp. 83-92.
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Ortega, J., Vasconcelos, G., Rodrigues, H., & Correia, M. (2016). Seismic behavior of an old masonry building in Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal. In Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: Anamnesis, Diagnosis, Therapy, Controls. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, SAHC 2016 (pp. 1567-1574). CRC Press.
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Sadeghi, N., Oliveira, D.V., Correia, M., Azizi-Bondarabadi, H., & Orduña, A. (2016). Numerical study on the seismic performance of adobe vaulted architecture: a case study from Iran. International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering. Conference segment on Historical Masonry, 22-24 August 2016. Lyngby (Denmark): Technical University of Denmark.
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Viana, D.L., Carvalho, I.C. (2016). O estudo da forma-dinâmica urbana através do mapping de dinâmicas sociais e da apropriação espacial. Revista de Morfologia Urbana, 4(1), 29-42.
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Viana, D. L., Morais, F., & Vaz, J. (eds.) (2018). Formal Methods in Architecture and Urbanism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 1-5275-0762-9.
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Freitas, I V., Cortés, R. E., & Leite, P. P. (2018). A methodological proposal for building conservation: A case in Guimarães, world heritage city. In S. Srivastava (ed.), Conservation and Promotion of Heritage Tourism (pp. 57-86).
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Sadeghi, N. H., Correia, M., & Oliveira, D. V. (2018). Adobe vaults in vernacular architecture in the Middle East: A case study from Yazd. In Proceedings of CIAV2018, International Scientific CIAV Conference. Tabriz, Iran, 1-3 October 2018.
Sanchez, N., Moriset, S., Mecca, S., Dipasquale, L., Achenza, M., Mileto, C., Vegas, F., Correia, M., & Carlos, G.D. (2018). Transmission de la méthode VerSus – from Vernacular to Sustainable, aux étudiants et enseignants d’architecture: retour d’expérience”. TERRA Education III Conference: perspectives for the development of education on earthen architecture, June 4-7, 2018. Grenoble, France, Grenoble.
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Barros, R., Rodrigues, H., Varum, H., Costa, A., & Correia, M. (2018). Seismic analysis of a Portuguese vernacular building. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 24(1), 05017010.
Duarte Carlos, G., Alcindor, M., & Correia, M. (2018). Traditional earthen architecture in Europe: A heritage in half-timber with wattle and daub, adobe, rammed earth, and cob. Anales del Instituto de Arte Americano y Investigaciones Estéticas Mario J. Buschiazzo, 48(2), 239-256.
Flores, J. (2018). Colonies of the Junta de Colonização Interna: Reinvention of the Rural Tradition. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review, 30(1), 65–65.
Ortega, J., Vasconcelos, G., Rodrigues, H., & Correia, M. (2018). Assessment of the efficiency of traditional earthquake-resistant techniques for vernacular architecture. Engineering Structures, 173, 1-27.
Ortega, J., Vasconcelos, G., Rodrigues, H., & Correia, M. (2018). Assessment of the influence of horizontal diaphragms on the seismic performance of vernacular buildings. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 16(9), 3871-3904.
Sadeghi, N.H., Oliveira, D.V., Correia, M., Azizi-Bondarabadi, H., & Orduña, A. (2018). Seismic performance of historical vaulted adobe constructions: A numerical case study from Yazd, Iran. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 12(5), 879-897.
Viana, D.L., & Malekabbasi, A. (2018). Lessons from Yazd’s nature-friendly architecture to contemporary nature-based solutions. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series, III (2018-2019), 1-23.
Viana, D. L. (2019). Maputo: (Auto)Organização e Forma-Dinâmica Urbana. U.Porto Press. ISBN-13: 978-989-746-214-6.
Shao, Y., Jakhelln, G., Correia, M. (eds.) (2019). Vernacular and Earthen Architecture Towards Local Development: Proceedings of 2019 ICOMOS CIAV & ISCEAH International Conference. Shanghai, China: Tongji University Press.
Viana, D. L., Morais, F., & Vaz, J. V. (eds.) (2019). Urban Science, Special Issue: Formalizing Urban Methodologies. MDPI.
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Correia, M. (2019). Avaliação de Sítios Culturais Património Mundial [Assessment of World Heritage Cultural Sites]. In T. Cunha Ferreira; R. Póvoas; F. Barata Fernandes (eds). Fórum do Porto: Património, Cidade, Arquitectura. Porto [Porto Forum: Heritage, City, Architecture]. Porto: CEAU-Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, pp. 126-144.
Correia, M., Carlos, G.D. & Bermudez, T. (2019). World Heritage: An approach to Vernacular and Earthen Architecture. In Y. Shao, G. Jakhelln, M. Correia (eds.). Vernacular and Earthen Architecture Towards Local Development. Proceedings of 2019 ICOMOS CIAV & ISCEAH International Conference. Shanghai (China): Tongji University Press, pp. 11-22.
Correia, M., Duarte Carlos, G., Merten, J., Correia, R., Viana, D., Lima, A. (2019). A Strategy for Vernacular Architecture in Architectural Education. In M. Dabaieh & M. Lewis (eds). Vernacular Architecture in the Face of Change, ISBN 978-0-9923709-0-9, pp. 48-59.
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Ortega, J., Vasconcelos, G., Rodrigues, H., & Correia, M. (2019). A vulnerability index formulation for the seismic vulnerability assessment of vernacular architecture. Engineering Structures, 197, 109381.
Ortega, J., Vasconcelos, G., Rodrigues, H., Correia, M., Ferreira, T. M., & Vicente, R. (2019). Use of post-earthquake damage data to calibrate, validate and compare two seismic vulnerability assessment methods for vernacular architecture. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 39, 101242.
Santos, A., Correia, M., Loureiro, C., Fernandes, P., & Marques da Costa, N. (2019). The historical reconstruction of the 1755 earthquake and tsunami in downtown Lisbon, Portugal. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7(7), 208.
Soares C., & Simão E. (eds.) (2020) Multidisciplinary Perspectives on New Media Art. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3669-8
Alcindor, M., & Correia, M. (2020). New tools, new thoughts: Activity theory applied to the architecture learning field. In Griffin (ed.) AMPS Proceedings. Series 20.1. Connections: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, Media. 29-30 June 2020. Canterbury: University of Kent, pp. 1-8.
Correia, M. (2020). Living and virtual visiting European World Heritage: framework and aims. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, M. Correia (eds.). From Vernacular to World Heritage. Florence: Firenze University Press, pp. 24-29.
Correia, M., Carlos, G.D. (2020). Protecting and valuing cultural heritage. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, M. Correia (eds). From Vernacular to World Heritage. Florence: Firenze University Press, pp. 230-237.
Correia, M., Duarte Carlos, G.D., Dipasquale, L., Mecca, S., Mileto, C., & Vegas, F. (2020). Vernacular and earthen architecture at the core of local knowledge research: a quality partnership with successful outcomes. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, M. Correia (eds). From Vernacular to World Heritage. Florence: Firenze University Press, pp. 8-11.
Correia, M., Duarte Carlos, G., Dipasquale, L., Mecca, S., Vicente, J., & Correia, T. (2020). Communication and dissemination of vernacular heritage. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, M. Correia (eds.). From Vernacular to World Heritage. Florence: Firenze University Press, pp. 74-79.
Correia, M., & Duarte Carlos, G., Vicente, J., Correia, T., & Rocha e Sousa, S. (2020). Crossing Dimensions and Components in vernacular architecture research. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, M. Correia (eds.). From Vernacular to World Heritage. Florence: Firenze University Press, pp. 32-37.
Duarte Carlos, G., Correia, M., Dipasquale, L., & Mecca, S. (2020). Discovering vernacular heritage and its tangible dimensions. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, M. Correia (eds.). From Vernacular to World Heritage. Florence: Firenze University Press, pp. 38-43.
Duarte Carlos, G., Correia, M., Sousa, G., Alcindor, M., & Bermudez, T. (2020). Vernacular architecture in Chazhashi settlement, Upper Svaneti, Georgia. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, M. Correia (eds.). From Vernacular to World Heritage. Florence: Firenze University Press, pp. 194-209.
Duarte Carlos, G.D., Correia, M., Sousa, G., Alcindor, M., Florentino, R., Bermudez, T., & Costa, M.P.S.R. (2020). The traditional cultural landscape of Pico Island and its vernacular architecture, Portugal. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, M. Correia (eds.). From Vernacular to World Heritage. Florence: Firenze University Press, pp. 82-97.
Duarte Carlos, G., Correia, M., & Simão, E. (2020). The importance of creativity in vernacular heritage. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, M. Correia (eds.). From Vernacular to World Heritage. Florence. Firenze University Press, pp. 68-73.
Florentino, R. (2020). O urbanismo à volta de Alcântara-Terra. In: Horta Navia. Projecto de intervenção na Estação Ferroviária de Alcântara-Terra e zona envolvente. Lisboa: Fundação Serra Henriques, pp.
Florentino, R., Correia, M., Sousa, G. & Carlos, G. (2020). Vernacular Architecture and Traditional Urbanism in the World Heritage Cultural Landscape Property of Pico, in Azores (Portugal). ISPRS – International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIV-M-1-2, pp. 159-165.
Freitas, I.V., Gôja, R., Gavioli, L., Teixeira, S. (2020). O linho como património e herança cultural de Cerva e Limões, Ribeira da Pena. In Creatour: catalisando o turismo criativo em cidades de pequena dimensão e em áreas rurais. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, pp. 142-153.
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Freitas, I.V., Ramazanova, M., Erasun Cortés, R., Leite, P.P. (2020). Water conservation in the urban landscape through heritage and capacity building: the case of Guimarães, Portugal. In Capacity Building Through Heritage Tourism: an International Perspective. Palm Bay, Florida: Apple Academic Press, pp. 1-29.
Freitas, I. V., Silva, S., Alves, J. A., Rocha, L., & Ribeiro, M. A. (2020). O caretos de Podence [Organização: Desteque – Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Terra Quente; Projeto Creatour: Pelo fio do fato se conhece o careto]. In N. Duxbury, & S. Silva (Coords.), Creatour: catalisando o turismo criativo em cidades de pequena dimensão e em áreas rurais, (pp. 70-79). Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. doi (ebook):
Mileto, C., Vegas, F., Correia, M., Carlos, G., Dipasquale, L., Mecca, S., Achenza, M., Rakotomamonjy, B., & Sánchez, N. (2020). The European Project “VERSUS+ / Heritage for People”. Objectives and Methodology. ISPRS – International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIV-M-1-2, pp. 645-649.
Nakhaei, M. & Correia, M. (2020). Water-Risk Management in Tchogha Zanbil World Heritage Site in Iran, with a Focus on the Ancient Management System. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIV-M-1-2, pp. 683-690.
Sadeghi, N. H., Correia, M., Oliveira, D. V., & Azizi-Bondarabadi, H. (2020). Preventive Conservation of Vernacular Adobe Heritage Located in Seismic-Prone Regions. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIV-M-1-2, 855-860.
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Sousa, G., & Alcindor, M. (2020). Symbolic use of domestic space in the upper svanetian (Georgia). Vernacular House. In The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XLIV-M-1-2020, Proceedings of International Conference (HERITAGE2020), Valencia, Spain, 9th-12th September 2020, pp. 95-100.
Sousa, G., Carlos, G., Florentino, R. & Bermudez, T. (2020). Multidisciplinary analysis of the vernacular settlements in Ushguli (Upper Svaneti, Georgia). ISPRS – International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIV-M-1-2, pp. 189-193.
Viana, D. L., Carvalho, I. C., Sousa, M. R. (2020). Modos digitais e formas de participar híbridas na cidadania de ação. In M. C. Silva, F. M. Rodrigues, J. T. Lopes, A. C. Fontes, T. Mora (org.). Por Uma Habitação Básica. Cidadania, Democracia Associativa e Metodologias Participativas. Edições Afrontamento, pp. 259-276.
Alcindor, M., & Coq-Huelva, D. (2020). Refurbishment, vernacular architecture and invented traditions: The case of the Empordanet (Catalonia). International Journal of Heritage Studies, 26(7), 684-699.
Alcindor, M., & Correia, M. (2020). Novas proxémias de valores comunitários. Jornal Arquitectos, 260, 56.
Correia, M., Alcindor, M., Carlos, G., Rocha e Sousa, S., Mileto, C., & Vegas, F. (2020). World Heritage, vernacular dwellings and digitalisation: The case of the Fortified Churches in Transylvania, Romania. CSAV Journal, 13-40.
Fernández Cruces, A., Sousa, G., Guerreiro, P., & Correia, M. (2020). The Contribution of the Architect Pascuala Campos to the Implementation of a Gender Perspective in the Galician Context. Arts, 9(3), 76.
Florentino, R. (2020). Lisboa y las regiones metropolitanas del Sur de Europa a inicios de siglo XXI. A Obra Nasce: Revista de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Fernando Pessoa, (14, dezembro 2020), 131-141.
Freitas, I. V., Sousa, C., & Ramazanova, M. (2020). Historical landscape monitoring through residents’ perceptions for tourism: the World Heritage Porto City. Tourism Planning & Development, 18(3), 294-313.
Ribeiro, T., Oliveira, D., & Bracci, S. (2020). Protecting earthen heritage using a green strategy: a study about natural water repellents. ECR – Estudos de Conservação e Restauro, (11), 81-92.
Ribeiro, V., Remoaldo, P., Pereira, M., Gôja, R., Matos, O., Freitas, I. V., … & Alves, J. (2020). Geo-crowdsourcing contributions for cultural mapping. Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice, 8(1), 56-67.
Simão, E., & Guerra, P. (2020). Virtual Dance Floors: Shall We Dance or Fly? Dance Cult Journal of Electronic Music and Dance Culture, 12(1), 1-3.
Viana, D. L. (2020). A habitação low-cost (in)formal entre a superestrutura e a infraestrutura. Africana Studia: International Journal on African Studies. Dwelling Issues in Africa. Perspectives on Portuguese-Language Africa, (16), 13-26.
Correia, M. (2021). Conservation in Earthen Heritage: Assessment and Significance of Failure, Criteria, Conservation Theory, and Strategies. (Persian edition). Qazvin. Imam Khomeini International University Press. ISBN:978-622-6898-53-9.
Correia, M., & Carlos, G. (eds.) (2021). Built Heritage Journal: Earthen Architecture, An Endangered Vernacular Heritage. Shanghai: Tongjy University.
Dipasquale, L., Mecca, S., & Correia, M. (eds.) (2021). From Vernacular to World Heritage. Firenze, Italy: Firenze University Press.
Eloy, S., Viana, D. L., Morais, F., & Vaz, J. (eds.) (2021). Formal Methods in Architecture. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (5FMA), Lisbon 2020. Basileia: Springer Nature. ISBN978-3-030-57508-3.
Alcindor, M. (2021). Neoliberal governance and Vernacular Building Systems. In Conference Proceedings of the international conference on Earthen and wood vernacular heritage and climate change (ICOMOS2021), Lund, Sweden, 29th-30th August 2021 (pp. 162-167).
Carlos, G. D., Correia, M. & Simão, E. (2021). The importance of creativity in vernacular heritage. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, & M. Correia (Eds.), From vernacular to world heritage (pp. 68-73). Firenze University Press.
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Freitas, I.V., Koskowski, M. (2021). Heritage and sustainable development: capacity building through tourism. In Capacity Building Through Heritage Tourism: An International Perspective . Palm Bay, Florida. Apple Academic Press, pp. 113-131.
Ruivo, C., Viana, D. L., Morais, F., Carvalho, I. C., Vaz, J. V. (2021). ScavaTools: Strategies and tools for the mass dissemination of SCAVA techniques. In S. Eloy, D. L. Viana, F. Morais, J. V. Vaz (eds.). Formal Methods in Architecture. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (5FMA), Lisbon 2020. Springer Nature, pp. 251-264.
Soares, C. & Simão E. (2021) ObEMMA: A pionner observatory of electronic music and media art in Portugal. In ARTECH 2021_International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts (ARTECH 2021) October 2021. ACM, NY, USA. Article No.: 43 Pages 1–7
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Viana, D. L., Carvalho, I. C. (2021). Modos digitais e formas de participar híbridas na cidadania de ação. In M. C. Silva, F. M. Rodrigues, J. T. Lopes, A. C. Fontes, T. Mora (eds.). Por uma Habitação Básica: Cidadania, Democracia Associativa e Metodologias Participativas. Edições Afrontamento, pp. 239-255.
Viana, D. L., Morais, F., Vaz, J., V. (2021). Global and disciplinary frameworks for formal methods in Architecture. In S. Eloy, D. L. Viana, F. Morais, J. V. Vaz (eds.). Formal Methods in Architecture. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (5FMA), Lisbon 2020. Springer Nature, pp. xv-xxiv.
Alcindor, M. (2021). El patrimonio intangible de la arquitectura tradicional: Un recurso en la lucha contra el cambio climático. Revista Patrimonio Histórico, 104, 406-408.
Alcindor, M. (2021). Materials through symbolic lens: The meaning of glass in western architecture. Revista Electrónica MEC-EDUPAZ, Año 10(19), 127-163.
Alcindor, M., Delton, J., & Alcindor-Huelva, P. (2021). Heritage places and the place attachment of adolescents: The case of the Castelo of Vila Nova de Cerveira (Portugal). Journal of Rural Studies.
Alcindor, M., Lima, A., & Alcindor-Huelva, P. (2021). Ethos through traditional construction processes: Historical development between community builder in the Minho Area of the North-western Iberian Peninsula and Pico Island in the Azores. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 28, 100468.
Carvalho, I. C., Souza, R., & Viana, D. L. (2021). Uma abordagem metodológica ecosófica aos (agro)ecossistemas urbanos através de intervenções eco-artísticas-digitais. Revista Húmus. Brasil e Portugal: leituras, experimentações, práticas comunitárias e coesão social e territorial, 11(25), 61-79.
Correia, M., & Carlos, G. D. (2021). Introduction: earthen architecture, an endangered vernacular heritage. Built Heritage, 5(1), 22.
Dornelas, A., Marine, M., & Viana, D. L. (2021). Genealogia e proliferação dos condomínios fechados: Um paralelo entre Brasil e Portugal. Revista Projetar – Projeto e Percepção do Ambiente, 6(4).
Florentino, R., Sellari, V., García Fuyeo, S., & Casas-Valle, D. (2021). Games and follies at urban scale: two examples in the education of architects. UOU Scientific Journal, 02, 70-75.
Ortega, J., Vasconcelos, G., Rodrigues, H., & Correia, M. (2021). Seismic Vulnerability and Loss Assessment of Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal: Application of a Novel Method. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 15(10), 1585-1607.
Ortega, J., Vasconcelos, G., Rodrigues, H., Correia, M., & Da Silva Miranda, T. F. (2021). Development of a Numerical Tool for the Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Vernacular Architecture. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 25(14), 2926-2954.
Roberti, A. C., Santos, H., & Brandão, D. (2021). From intimacy to urban landscape: Images of the transformations of the Rainha Dona Leonor social housing. Sophia Journal, Visual Spaces of Change: photographic documentation of environmental transformations, 6(1), 128-139.
Sadeghi, N. H., Oliveira, D. V., Silva, R. A., Mendes, N., Correia, M., & Azizi-Bondarabadi, H. (2021). Experimental characterization of adobe vaults strengthened with a TRM-based compatible composite. Construction and Building Materials, 271, 121568.
Vaz de Freitas, I., Sousa, C., Ramazanova, M., & Albuquerque, H. (2021). Feeling a historic city: Porto landscape through the eyes of residents and visitors. International Journal of Tourism Cities.
Ruivo, C., Viana, D. L., Morais, F., & Vaz, J. (eds.) (2022). Formal Methods in Architecture and Urbanism, Volume 2. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 1-5275-7446-6.
Florentino, R. (2022). Sudoku as a tool for learning urban equity. In: (in)Justiça Espacial em reflexão: Território, Urbanismo e Arquitetura. Seminário # Workshop’ 22. Lisbon. IST-ID, Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e do Desenvolvimento, pp. 51-52.
Florentino, R. (2022). Teaching Urbanism with Sudoku. In 6th International Symposium Formal Methods in Architecture. Coruña. Universidade da Coruña, pp. 36-36.
Florentino, R. (2022). The Urban Legacy of Malagueira and Álvaro Siza. In International Congress of Architectural and Landscape Heritage – Malagueira. Évora. CHAIA – Centro de História da Arte e Investigação Artística, pp. 44-45.
Freitas, I. V., & Albuquerque, H. (2022). Porto, Gaia, and the Sant’Ana Arch. In: Global Perspectives on Literary Tourism and Film-Induced Tourism. Hershey. IGI Global, pp. 139-162.
Genin, S. M., Ferreira, T. C., & Correia, M. (2022). Siza ATLAS: Filling the gaps for World Heritage. In T. Ferreira & S. Macdonald (eds). Recognising and Managing 20th Century Heritage: Current Issues and Experiences. Faculty of Architecture – University of Porto, pp. 23-24.
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Sandalinas, J., & Alcindor, M. (2022). Videogames As a platform to connect to heritage: preliminary considerations around the spatial delimitation and the interoperability of open data. In [Proceedings of] 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 18-22 September 2022 (paper code: IAC-22,E5,5,6,x73385, pp. 1-6).
Urrutia, H. (2022). La contemporaneidad audiovisual: Una aproximación a la experimentación y a la transgresión. In D. Araujo, J. Carrega, & I. Fechine (Eds.), Perspetivas Luso-Brasileiras em Artes e Comunicação, (vol. 3, pp. 176-195). CIC – Grupo de Pesquisa “Comunicação, Imagem e Contemporaneidade” da UTP; Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná; CIAC – Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação da Universidade do Algarve; Grupo de Pesquisa “Comunicação, Memória e Cultura Popular”, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba.
Vicente, J., Duarte Carlos, G., & Correia, M. (2022). Virtual and Augmented Reality for World Heritage Vernacular Architecture: The 3DPAST Project. In E. Vilar, E. Filgueras, F. Rebelo (eds). Virtual and Augmented Reality for Architecture and Design. London. CRC Press / Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 155-178.
Viana, D. L. (2022). Syntax of the Informal. In Elsewhere n.º 5. Between formal and informal. Listlab, pp. 47-60.
Alcindor, M., Jackson, D., & Alcindor-Huelva, P. (2022). Heritage places as the settings for virtual playgrounds: perceived realism in videogames, as a tool for the re-localisation of physical places. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 1-19.
Carlos, G., Ribeiro, T., Achenza, M., Oliveira, C., & Varum, H. (2022). Literature review on earthen vernacular heritage: contributions to a referential framework. Built Heritage, 15(6), 1-12.
Florentino, R. (2022). Learning urbanism with board games: an experience in Universidade Portucalense. Human Review, 11, 1-9.
Nakhaei Ashtari, M., & Correia, M. (2022). Assessment of vulnerability and site adaptive capacity to the risk of climate change: the case of Tchogha Zanbil World Heritage earthen site. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 12(2), 107-125.
Remoaldo, P., Matos, O., Freitas, I., Gôja, R., Alves, J. A., Ribeiro, V., Pereira, M., & Xavier, C. (2022). An international overview of certified practices in creative tourism in rural and urban territories. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 46(8), 1545-1573.
Ribeiro, T., Oliveira, D. V., & Bracci, S. (2022). The use of contact sponge method to measure water absorption in earthen heritage treated with water repellents. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 16(1), 85-96.
Urrutia, H., Perez, P., & Fernandes-Marcos, A. (2022). A projeção mural multimédia como formação cultural e democrática no espaço público. Revista de Literatura, Linguística, Educação e Artes, 16(2), 194-222.
Wijaya, I., Correia, M., Warnata, I. N., & Sugihantara, I. K. (2022). The Balinese Ethnic Community’s Perceptions in regard to Modifications in Denpasar’s Residential Building Spatial Planning. ARSITEKTURA – Jurnal Ilmiah Arsitektur dan Lingkungan Binaan [ARCHITECTURE – Scientific Journal of Architecture and the Built Environment], 20(2), 379-390.
Mora, P. L., Viana, D. L., Morais, F., & Vaz, J. V. (eds.). (2023). Formal Methods in Architecture: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (6FMA), A Coruña 2022. Singapore: Springer Singapore. ISBN 978-981-99-2216-1.
Silva, F. M., & Freitas, I. V. (Eds.) (2023). Heritage Tourism and Sustainable City Dynamics. Heritage, (Special issue), 1-2.
Viana, D. L., Brandão E. C., Morais, F., Carvalho, I. C., Duarte, J. P., & Brandão, N. (eds.) (2023). Emerging Perspectives on Teaching Architecture and Urbanism. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 1-5275-5260-8.
Alcindor, M. (2023). Ethnography applied to the architectural designs studio. In M. Sahin (Ed.), International Ankara Multidisciplinary Studies Congress: full texts book, (pp. 878-885). IKSAD Global.
Alcindor, M., & Simão, E. (2023). Community Engagement. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, L. Montoni (eds). Heritage for people: Sharing vernacular knowledge to build the future. Firenze University Press, pp. 149-151.
Andrade, B., Ribeiro, T., Correia, M., Sousa, G., & Lima, A. (2023). An Overview of University and Post-University Teaching in Vernacular Architecture. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, L. Montoni (eds). Heritage for people: Sharing vernacular knowledge to build the future. Firenze University Press, pp. 128-135.
Borges, M., & Simão, E. (2023). Digital culture and music: The influence of fandom on musical consolidation in pandemic times through digital platforms. In P. Guerra, & S. Sousa (Eds.), Keep it Simple, Make it Fast! An approach to underground music scenes, KISMIF Conference 2022, Porto, Portugal, 13-16 July 2022, (vol. 6, pp. 232-242). Universidade do Porto.
Carlos, G. (2023). Heritage for People: A Project for Connecting People with their Tangible and Intangible Heritage. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, L. Montoni (eds). Heritage for people: Sharing vernacular knowledge to build the future. Firenze University Press, pp. 17-27.
Carlos, G., & Correia, M. (2023). VerSus Methodology: Development and application. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, L. Montoni (eds). Heritage for people: Sharing vernacular knowledge to build the future. Firenze University Press, pp. 34-39.
Correia, M., & Carlos, G. (2023). Documenting and virtual visiting World Heritage in 3DPAST. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, L. Montoni (eds). Heritage for people: Sharing vernacular knowledge to build the future. Firenze University Press, pp. 203.
Cunha Ferreira, T., Genin, S., & Correia, M. (2023). Alcino Cardoso house renovation by Álvaro Siza. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, L. Montoni (eds). Heritage for people: Sharing vernacular knowledge to build the future. Firenze University Press, pp. 95.
Dipasquale, L., Ribeiro, T., Florentino, R., & Correia, M. (2023). Managing vernacular knowledge for builders and designers. In L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, L. Montoni (eds). Heritage for people: Sharing vernacular knowledge to build the future. Firenze University Press, pp. 204-209.
Durão, M., Simão, E., Veríssimo, M., Nogueira, S., & Fernandes, S. (2023). Impactful Creativity: The Role of Entrepreneurship Education in Driving Sustainable Development in the Cultural and Creative Industries. Proceedings Online International Conference on Sustainability in Creative Industries, 7-9 nov. 2023.
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