Gilberto Carlos – Short Bio

PhD in Architecture from the University of A Coruña, with the thesis ‘The Morphological legacy of Vernacular Architecture’ (2014). Degree in Architecture from the University of Lisbon, with an internship at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Tokyo, Japan, with a scholarship awarded by the International Mobility Program (AUSMIP). He was an ERASMUS fellow, at the Faculty of Architecture ‘La Sapienza’, in Rome, Italy. He started his activity as a Researcher as a FCT Fellow, under the coordination of the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon, participating in various missions to Africa and Asia. Coordinator of the Integrated Master in Architecture and Urbanism (former ESG) at Universidade Portucalense (2021-present). Director of the Integrated Master in Architecture and Urbanism at ESG (2016-2021), having been Deputy Director of the Integrated Master in Architecture and Urbanism (2010 and 2016). Resident Researcher at the Research Center of the Escola Superior Gallaecia (2008-2021), participating in several R&D projects (Getty Foundation, Creative Europe, FCT), publishing scientific texts and participating regularly as a speaker in national and international seminars and conferences. He has been a member of several scientific commissions, carrying out reviews of articles for events and specialized publications with relative assiduity. In parallel he develops his practical activity as an Architect, highlighting his experience as a senior architect of the Local Studies Office for the reconstruction of Timor-Leste (GERTiL), in Dili, where he developed Urban Planning (Plano de Pormenor da Marginal de Dili) , public equipment projects (Centro Fronteiriço de Batugadé) and carried out construction supervision (Expansão da Escola Portuguesa, Fase II).
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