Telma Ribeiro – Short Bio

PhD in Conservation Sciences (2021) from Nova University of Lisbon, in partnership with the University of Minho, with a specialization in earthen heritage. Diploma of specialization (2012) in conservation of stone materials, by the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torún (Poland). Master’s degree in Conservation and Restoration (2008) from Nova University of Lisbon with a specialization in stone heritage. Bachelor’s degree in Conservation and Restoration (2006) from Nova University of Lisbon. Is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Multimedia Gallaecia of Portucalense University, teaching the curricular subjects of Materials and Constructive Analysis, Urban Heritage, Legislation and Heritage Protection, and Diagnosis and Technologies of Conservation and Restoration. She collaborates, in the same institution, with the Clinic of Conservation and Restoration as a conservator-restorer in different projects of conservation and restoration of built heritage and museum objects. Previously, she worked as a conservator-restorer participating in the preparation, diagnosis, elaboration, execution, and supervision of different conservation and restoration interventions in various national monuments. She is the author of several national and international scientific communications and publications in stone and earthen heritage. She is a founding partner of the Portuguese group of the international association INTBAU (International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism) which promotes traditional architecture in Portugal. The main lines of research are related to monumental heritage, vernacular heritage, and earthen heritage, in the areas of conservation, diagnosis, maintenance, sustainability, and intervention. Keywords: conservation, restoration, diagnosis, urban heritage, monumental heritage, vernacular heritage, earthen heritage, sustainability.
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